Ashton’s President’s Prattle for February, 2018

President's Prattle


I can hardly still say Happy New Year, given we are already into February, but nonetheless I hope 2018 is a lot of fun for you, and we look forward to seeing you out and about during the year. 2018 is already shaping up to be a busy year for most of the people I have spoken to so far, and I am hoping we can make sure to slot in lots of interesting and fun events along the way.

That starts next week, with the remarkable event that Lee and Mark and the team at Simply Sports Cars have organised – a Lotus Only Track Day at Bathurst. There will be over 70 cars there and we will have four 20 minute sessions over the course of Wednesday 7th February. If you fancy seeing 35-40 Lotuses on track at Bathurst at one time (there are two groups), come along and catch up in the pits!

Two weeks later, on Saturday 17th February, we have our first drive day of the year – a run down to Gerringong for the Motor Fest and Car Show. We have ten spots allocated so far, but there is room for more if you are still sitting on the fence. Drop me a line on

Very shortly after that, on Saturday the 11th March, we have the CLA’s round of the Combined Sports Cars Association supersprints at Wakefield Park, organised by the new Motorsport Committee, for whom I am deeply grateful. I hope lots of you will come along to support the club’s round of this great series. I look forward to seeing you there.

Something tells me that this year will go no slower than last, and that before we know it, we will be gathering for a jolly knees up for our Christmas Lunch. So, let’s not wish the year away, and instead fill it with fun memories, interesting learning opportunities and laughter. If you have an idea for an event, a speaker, or simply want to have a chat, please don’t hesitate to suggest your idea to any of your Committee and we will do our best to make it happen!

On a car-related note, but nothing to do with Lotuses, this year I have to finish building the Healey that Giles and I will be driving from Peking to Paris in June next year. We have it almost ready to run, although there is still a great deal of final details we need to finish. If I am slightly hard to catch, it may be because I am either under the Healey in Giles’ garage, or shaking it down! So without further ado, welcome to 2018, and I very much look forward to a tremendous year and to catching up with a lot of you!

In the meantime, keep it safe, upright, and on the blackstuff.

Pip pip,

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