Ashton’s President’s Prattle for April, 2020

President's Prattle

Hello everyone, and welcome to the new ways of working and living (temporarily, we all hope). Where to begin?

The work side of things is pretty dull, so I’ll switch tack to the domestic and interests aspect of the COVID-19 debacle.

On the bright side, the opportunity presents itself to spend more time in new home (or garage!) based activities. So, what have you decided to use the enforced leisure time to do? Once the list of DIY chores you’ve been delaying in favour of taking the car out for a drive has been completed, of course (don’t pretend, we’re all in the same boat!)

On the list so far are:

  • Making models (not done this since school, which, I hardly need tell you, wasn’t yesterday)
  • Relearning the piano (which has sat untouched in our dining room for ten years – probably need to learn to tune it first)
  • Sorting out the garage and flogging all the junk on the mezzanine floor to make room for more junk
  • Get into the attic and turf out all the stuff we’ve accumulated
  • Set up the Scalectrix set that’s in the attic, and break out the Lotus models
  • Set up an eSports CSCA series perhaps

The problem is, what to do when the list runs out…

Sadly, the restrictions we have to endure will inevitably curtail not only the motorsport activities we all enjoy so much, but also the social side of things.

As you will possibly be aware, the second round of the CSCA series has been cancelled. We will keep you informed as we hear more about the rest of the season, but at this point, rounds three and four are also unlikely to progress.

For the moment, the monthly Tyre Kick and Coffee will be suspended as well, at least until we are allowed to resume normal contact with others. We will revisit this decision at the end of April.

In the meantime, if anyone would like to make a short video of something that they are working on – a project, an idea, please feel free to get in touch with Seth ([email protected]) and we will put it up on the website and Facebook, which naturally enough will become more central to the fabric of the club.

Anyway, enough about COVID-19.

I am pleased to report that last weekend we conducted the first virtual meeting of the Lotus 2021 Committee. With grateful thanks to Mel and Seth for setting us up with a Google Meet, and to all the committee for being game to try the new technology, we made good progress:

  • The team agreed that we should continue to progress the planning for the event
  • We also agreed we would not start to either pay deposits, nor ask for payments, until more certainty is established
  • We confirmed the key roles and responsibilities which will be fundamental to the success of this event, including reaching out to the Tasmanian contingent of CLA
  • We have agreed to increase the meeting frequency to once a month until further notice

So we are still, at this stage, planning to be in Tasmania in February 2021. We hope that will provide a suitable respite and holiday opportunity for everyone to look forward to, and we will of course keep you informed as we progress the planning.

Other than that, please do look after yourselves, and particularly those less secure near and dear to you – the old, the infirm, and those struggling with the emotional impact of current circumstances – please make sure to reach out regularly and frequently.

Pip pip,

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