Lotus Photos: March 2020 Social Evening Featuring Tales from the Peking to Paris

March 2020 Social Evening Featuring Tales from the Peking to Paris

Photos by Peter Walker

On Wednesday the 11th of March, 2020, we caught up at Simply Sports Cars for a bite to eat and a few tales from the 2019 Peking to Paris Rally presented by Ashton Roskill. Peter Walker has kindly reached out with a few photos from the evening, which you can enjoy below.

We were very pleased to see a great turnout for the event, and enjoyed the relaxed mid-week evening together. We’d like to do more social events going forward, so if this is something you’d be interested in, or if you have any ideas of events which you’d enjoy, please get in touch.

Huge thanks to Emma, Lee, PJ, Richard and the Simply Sports Cars team for their warm hospitality. Thanks as well to Ashton for putting the event together, bringing Gidget along and sharing his experience of the Peking to Paris. And of course to everyone who came along and made the evening a great success!

Enjoy the photos, with thanks to Peter Walker.



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