Calling all Canberrans!

Ellie Hamilton Photo

Trevor James of the Canberra Lotus Group is looking to bring together Canberra-based Lotus owners for Lotus adventures in the area once we enter the post-apocalypse.

Lotus Gatherings in Canberra and Surrounds

The Canberra Lotus Group is trying to identify those members who live in the greater Canberra area. As it’s generally too far to travel to Sydney for social events, we organise our own events locally, including lunches, generally with following drives.

We have also started having more adventurous, longer drives as reported in the March issue of Chunky’s Chatter. Some of our members are also interested in car shows and the motorsport side of things, and like to attend as a group.

We even have a couple of people who don’t have road cars, one only has a racing car (Lotus of course) and another has an Esprit currently located in the US.

We’re finding that after we advise people that we are having a ‘Do’, we normally lose 50% of those invited because of prior commitments and another 25% because of scheduling conflicts – so we need more people to start with to make up the numbers.

If you’re interested, send Seth an email at with your name, phone number, email address and the model and colour of your car.

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