Ashton’s President’s Prattle: October 2016

President's Prattle

Heavens, it’s October already!

October means you need to start getting organised for Christmas, and that in turn surely means joining the CLA Christmas Party at Bombini’s doesn’t it? If you haven’t already, drop me a line and transfer the funds – $35 per head. Do it now.

Huge thanks to everyone who came to the AGM. Your Committee all resigned and mostly stood again, so thank you to all of them for continuing the good fight. Enormous thanks to Kris for her eight years as Treasurer, and an equally large measure of thanks to Greg Cliffe who has taken over. Welcome Greg.

We had a spectacularly fun day last Sunday at Ebony Hall, and very grateful thanks to Anne, James and Jen for hosting us in spite of the painful gap in proceedings due to the loss of Maurice. We raised a fat wad of cash in his honour for Beyond Blue.

We also ran the second round of Round the Buckets, which gave Pete Walker the chance to defend his title. He lost it to Stephen Palmer, also in an Elan. Well done Stephen for continuing the now-traditional trouncing by old of new. We’ll be back in the paddock in March for a different format of event.

The last weekend in October is the third LOTD (Lotus Only Track Day). These are brilliantly run, fantastic value for money (four 15 minute sessions over the day) and very social. If you haven’t done one, do this one at Winton. And bring your regularity car to keep me company at the back of the pack (this’ll be a shakedown for the Eleven). Email PJ at SSC – [email protected] and he will sort you out.

The following weekend is Targa High Country, in which 16 Lotus cars will be competing. Come and have a fun weekend with us; I’m running the Eleven in the Tour category which should be interesting.

Don’t forget that Tyre Kick and Coffee is on for the 16th and an EMR to Austinmeer is happening on the 23rd, so no excuses for failing to get the car out of hibernation.

Now I just need to service the front calipers on the Elan in time.

Elsewhere news has surfaced that Proton may sell Lotus – front runners apparently are Renault or Toyota, with Peugeot/Citroen also in the running. Could be interesting!

I look forward to seeing you out and about, and hopefully you’ll see photos of the Eleven running shortly.. but don’t hold your breath.

Keep it safe, upright and on the blackstuff.

Pip pip,

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