We’re set to open the 2020 CSCA series with a speedy and social round of supersprinting at Wakefield Park on Saturday the 14th of March. Entry is now open and we would love to see you there.
You are invited to enter the first round of the CSCA Supersprint Series for 2020, hosted by Club Lotus Australia at Wakefield Park Raceway on Saturday the 14th of March.
Entry Fee : $195 + Dorian Hire : $15.
Minimum Licence Required : Current Motorsport Australia (CAMS) Level 2S, Level 2SJ or a CAMS Licence of a higher status, and a current club membership card of Motorsport Australia affiliated Car Club are compulsory.
Please find the Entry Form for the event at the following link:
CSCA Supersprint R1 / 14 of March 2020 – Entry Form
Please read Supplementary Regulations, available for download at the link below:
CSCA 2020 Round 1 Supplementary Regulations [PDF]
If you have any questions or need a hand with anything, you can reach the team on the motorsport committee at motorsport@clublotus.com.au.
We’re very happy to be kicking off the CSCA calendar for 2020 and look forward to receiving your entry and welcoming you on the day.